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Sanremo Verona RS

Behind each group head on the Sanremo Verona RS you will find an insulated PID controlled stainless steel boiler capable of producing an unmatched coffee consistency. The boilers are larger than ever and fed by warm water, resulting in the Sanremo Verona RS taking one great leap towards ultimate temperature stability. The Verona RS is heaving with new features; among them is an intelligent display above each group head displaying real time group temperature as well as well as the espresso shot time. If that’s not enough baristas now have the facility to programme the pre-infusion offering precise coffee extraction on a new level.

Sanremo Verona RS Features

  • Independent steam and coffee boilers
  • Temperature control via PID
  • Each group head has independent temperature settings
  • Hot water tap for americano’s, teas etc…
  • A programmable pre-infusion
  • On-off timer
  • Cleaning facility via automatic backflush
  • Individual espresso shot timer
  • Detailed audit mode
  • Down lights and LED illuminated panels
  • Copper pipe work and boiler
  • Triple lever boiler safety system

“The Sanremo Verona RS is the future of coffee machines”

For years coffee baristas have been performing their exacting coffee skills on Sanremo commercial coffee machines, the Verona RS being the latest addition to their impressive array of coffee machines. For example, over 90% of competition baristas rate the Sanremo Verona RS as very good for ‘solid build’ ‘consistency of results’ and temperature stability’ – this is 30% higher than the scores they give the machines they use every day. It goes to show what an awesome machine the RS really is. At Beanmachines we love the entire Verona family. The predecessor to the RS being the Sanremo Verona TCS – one of our most popular machines and frequently the machine of choice for rental agreements. We’re predicting that in the near future the Verona RS could take the crown from the TCS and become the rental machine of choice. Only time will tell.

Verona Sanremo Coffe Supply
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